Looking for spinal stenosis advice? We hope that our years of experience dealing with back and neck pain in both personal and professional settings will help to get you on the right path towards finding lasting relief from spinal stenosis.
This resource section will provide patients with some advice on dealing with their spinal stenosis diagnosis. This website offers far more than just free information, it also provides a community where patients can interact and share advice with one another.
Spinal Stenosis Advice Considerations
Here are some of the topical writings we have done on the subject of spinal stenosis. We hope these may be useful to you when seeking advice on the causes, symptoms and treatments for central canal stenosis and neuroforaminal stenosis:
Spinal stenosis disability is an all too common result of extreme structural change in the spine and/or the after result of failed spinal surgery.
Working with spinal stenosis can be a great challenge, particularly for those with physically grueling jobs.
Living with spinal stenosis takes patience and perseverance. Patients must become acclimated to ongoing adversity, mind and body.
Elderly spinal stenosis describes normal structural changes in the spine inherent to the aging process. Most of these minor conditions are not symptomatic, but some may be.
Spinal stenosis in children is a very cruel occurrence, often related to severe congenital narrowing of the canal or significant back injury.
Spinal stenosis from standing is a common symptomatic complaint for those with all forms of stenosis, since a straight spinal column produces the worst effects.
Spinal stenosis from sitting is not a common situation in which to experience symptoms and might indicate a misdiagnosis of the actual source of pain in some patients.
Spinal stenosis lying down may be easily treatable with positional alterations.
Spinal stenosis sleeping can be difficult to control, unless the patient can find a comfortable position and be sure they remain there while asleep.
Having satisfying sex with spinal stenosis can pose many challenges, but these problems are not insurmountable.
Stay current of the latest spinal stenosis research to improve your understanding of the condition and your treatment prospects.
Learn how to manage insomnia in association with spinal stenosis.
Do you have spinal stenosis pain in the morning? While not common, this presentation can provide important diagnostic insight.
Not sure whether traditional medical, complementary medical or alternative medical spinal stenosis care is best for you? We can help with some expert guidance.
Professional Guidance on Spinal Stenosis
Coping with spinal canal stenosis is not easy for anyone. It is even harder when you doctor has misdiagnosed you as suffering from a narrowed spinal canal, or a decreased foraminal space, when all along the anatomical changes are well within the normal and asymptomatic range, therefore dooming you to seek treatment for a scapegoat condition. Think this never happens? How wrong you are. In fact, misdiagnosis is a literal epidemic is the back pain sector. I was a victim for years.
Just as bad is asking for information from your doctor and being blown off, regardless of the accuracy of the diagnosis. One of the most common spinal stenosis patient complaints that we receive is: “My doctor does not seem to care about me or my pain at all”. I think many of us have had this feeling; myself included.
Regardless, we still advise that it is crucial to trust your doctor and use them as your primary source of information relating to your condition. If they prove your trust to be foolish by providing misinformation, incorrect diagnosis, a bad attitude and simple callousness for your plight, then cut them loose and tell them where to go. You can find a better doctor.
Enjoy our guidance on choosing a surgeon for spinal stenosis treatment.
Check out more of our spinal stenosis tips and use our experience to help you recover faster and better.
Suffering with spinal stenosis does not have to be permanent. There are effective treatments and even cures available.
Usefulness of Spinal Stenosis Advice
Remember, the very fact that medicine is a business can work for you or against you. Sure, doctors will play the role of businessman far more than healer nowadays for the sake of making money, mostly at the expense of your health and future functionality. This is common and will never change. However, you can turn this business sense against them and fire them if they prove ineffective, uncaring or simply ignorant.
The rule of supply and demand states that good doctors will always have patients because people will want to be treated by them. Bad doctors will not have patients because they will eventually alienate those under their care and cause them to look elsewhere. Come on people; let’s prove this basic law of capitalism to be true.
Not happy with your physician? Get rid of them and find a good one. Make sure to let the crappy one know that they are being fired as you go and take your money with you.
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