Spinal stenosis middle back pain can, but does not necessarily have to, be the result of thoracic spinal canal narrowing. Some cases of mid back ache may be experienced by patients with cervical spinal stenosis instead. It is crucial to remember that cervical stenotic change is far more common than thoracic narrowing anyway. To make matters worse, many canal narrowing conditions may be symptomatic, but might not produce any actual pain. They may instead only cause neurological effects in motor function or system function, but little or no discomfort at all. Finally, it is wise to recall that a great number of mild to moderate spinal stenosis cases are unfairly deemed to be painful, when all along the actual symptoms come from some other anatomical or nonstructural reason found elsewhere, in the spine, or possibly, in the mind.
Patients may suffer mid back symptoms and demonstrate purely coincidental canal narrowing in the thoracic or cervical spine, as well. This is typical in older patients who have minor or moderate stenosis, but not enough to cause pain.
This investigation focuses on middle back symptoms and their possible link to various spinal stenosis locations.
Spinal Stenosis Middle Back Pain Statistics
The incidence of patients suffering pain from thoracic narrowing is about equal to patients who do not have pain, but do have other nerve symptoms. Cervical stenosis is not likely to cause just mid back pain, but it is possible in some patients.
Middle back pain, in general, is rare, since this area is not designed to perform like the neck or low back, and therefore is saved from much of the degenerative changes and incidence of injury found in these other far more problematic regions. Cases of exclusively mid back pain caused by any type of stenosis are the exceptions to the rule, but not completely unique by any means. Just remember that there may be many other possible explanations for mid thoracic symptoms, so the stenosis must be studied in great detail and verified or eliminated as the true symptomatic source before even considering treatment.
Middle Back Pain Therapy
Of course, stenosis which causes pain and more serious neurological dysfunction will typically be actively treated. In the middle back, results of treatments are often quite good, since once again, the region is not subjected to the post-therapy stress of the lumbar or cervical zones.
For instances of cervical stenosis which cause mid back issues, treatment statistics are not as good, but can still be favorable when the diagnosis is sound and the therapy is applied successfully and without complication.
In most instances, serious and symptomatic canal narrowing needs to be treated surgically, although this really does depend on the actual underlying cause of spinal stenosis, regardless of where the condition is located in the vertebral column.
Spinal Stenosis Middle Back Pain Information
So, to summarize this article, remember that stenosis may or may not be causative for any symptoms. A majority of mild and moderate stenotic chances will not enact significant effects in the body. Degenerative changes are normal as we age and are mostly innocent of blame when it comes to producing back or neck pain. In truly problematic stenosis cases, the condition may exist thoracically or cervically. Thoracic is uncommon and cervical is not usually the cause of middle back ache, but both conditions may produce the symptoms when the narrowing is severe or extreme.
Always learn as much as you can about your diagnosis and do plenty of independent research on your condition. This is the best way to ensure that you will not be misdiagnosed, which just so happens to be a very common and serious problem in the back and neck pain sector of healthcare.
Spinal Stenosis > Spinal Stenosis Pain > Spinal Stenosis Middle Back Pain