Ischemia and spinal stenosis are closely related, not because they are in any way similar conditions, but instead due to their intimate link within the back pain treatment sector. Many cases of spinal stenosis are correctly diagnosed and in these circumstances, the patient stands a fair chance of finding lasting relief. However, many examples of structural spinal stenosis which are mild or moderate are incorrectly diagnosed as the source of terrible back pain, when all along the actual underlying source process is regional ischemia. This oxygen deprivation syndrome is one of the leading causes of back and neck pain which is usually blamed on some innocent scapegoat structural issue, such as minor spinal stenosis.
This important dialog investigates oxygen deprivation as an alternative explanation for chronic pain and neurological effects that were previously mistakenly blamed on incidental spinal canal stenosis.
Ischemia and Spinal Stenosis Explained
Well the subject of spinal stenosis is the focus of this website, so if you need to better understand that, then I advise you begin on my page titled: What is spinal stenosis? Ok, are we clear on stenosis? Good. Let’s move on to ischemia.
Ischemia describes a condition in which the circulation to a given area of the anatomy is reduced or virtually cut off. This obviously causes many possible problems, but the most immediate is certainly oxygen deprivation. Remember, the blood carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Without oxygen, cells can not live or function. They literally begin to die.
Some cells are very resistant to ischemia, such as those found in muscle tissue. Other cells, such as nerve cells, feel the pinch of pain almost instantly, the very moment oxygen is reduced by even a small amount.
Ischemia or Stenosis Dynamics
Research has clearly shown evidence of oxygen deprivation in the nucleus of affected cells harvested from many spinal stenosis back pain patients. These are also found in large numbers in fibromyalgia patients. These same oxygen deprived cells are also found in the muscles of endurance athletes after competition. Is this coincidental? Of course not.
Oxygen deprivation is a causative process which goes unnoticed in a huge number and variety of chronic pain conditions. I see it so often that when I hear chronic pain, it is one of the first thoughts which come to mind.
What happens when there is no oxygen in soft tissue? Pain. Neurological dysfunction. Muscular spasms. Uncontrollable tightness and stiffness. Think of a charlie horse, which is, by the way, caused 100% by ischemia.
Link Between Ischemia and Spinal Stenosis
Just remember that spinal stenosis can be the true cause or a real contributor to pain and related neurological symptoms, like weakness, numbness and tingling. However, if the structural changes are mild to moderate, it is likely that the symptoms are unrelated to the anatomical evidence. In many cases, there may be some other undiscovered physical reason for the pain to exist. In many patients, the pain is surely ischemic.
Now in a very few cases, the ischemia can also be caused by purely anatomical concerns. However, in the vast majority of patients, the oxygen deprivation is enacted by the subconscious mind as a defense mechanism. This is the basis for Dr. Sarno’s world-renowned work on TMS. This is also the reason why the best treatment for ischemia in chronic pain patients is the most successful form of alternative medicine for spinal stenosis: knowledge therapy.
If you have not found relief from your stenosis pain from the traditional therapy approaches, it may be time for a change. Consider knowledge therapy as a great option, since nothing else can match its many unique benefits:
There are no risks at all.
There are no inherent costs.
There is the opportunity to enjoy a lasting cure.
This treatment can be applied at home.
Learn more about how oxygen deprivation is the root origin of virtually all modern chronic pain epidemics in my peer-acclaimed program, Cure Back Pain Forever. This effective program is available around the clock online for help when you need it most… like right now!
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